Watch reviews

Getat.ru is a resource for reviews and commentary on affordable watches. We run this blog from 2011.

News, reviews and exclusive interviews. Now in English!



Vostok Amphibia Classic 2415 «1967»-style (August 2013)

Techne Harrier Ref. 392 (July 2013)

Maranez Layan (June 2013)

Seagull 1963 (re-make 38 & 42 mm) (June 2013)


Exclusive Interviews

Sean Wai (moVas) (October 2014)

Thomas Ickler (Ickler Gmbh: Archimede, Limes, etc.) (July 2013)

Franck J. from Techne Instruments (April 2013)

Christopher Ward (April 2013)


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